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Eagle/Sunburst Chelabert

Eagle/Sunburst Chelabert

  • Number 713

  • Type Caucasian

  • Material Wool

  • Style Geometric

  • Origin Caucasian

  • Size 214 x 148

  • Age 1850


This is an early example of a famous and well recognizable breed of Caucasian rugs, woven in Karabagh, that have gone by various names across time. Originally 'Chelebi' Kazak, a misinterpretation of the village name where they were woven, they subsequently came to be called Adler Kazak (eagle in German) and then Sunburst Karabagh after the distinctive medallion. Nowadays they are referred to by their actual provenance, the village of Chelabert. Almost all examples you will see contain at least two sunburst medallions, all dating from post-1880 when the Russians took over carpet production in the Caucasus. This beauty predates that and is a noble survivor from a lost age.

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To me personally there is no surprise, event or frankly anything that gets me more excited than the purchase of a treasured piece of understated artwork such as that of a proper vintage/antique carpet. The sourcing, grading and authentication of these pieces is no small task but is of the highest importance. Through the respected dealer Hadi Maktabi all that is guaranteed, and rest assured the one thing I can guarantee personally as a client is a first class service from the initial selection process till it gets delivered right to your door step. It was an undeniably special experience, with hundreds of carpets to choose from, will definitely be visiting again. Thank you dear Hadi. Habeeb Al Monawer, Kuwait 🇰🇼



You can't only be a customer of Hadi Maktabi. While his main purpose is rug dealing, he starts with story telling and ends with history selling. That's what I call high-end art curating and closing it all with an entertaining friendship. George El Hani, CEO Levica, Lebanon 🇱🇧


Purchasing carpets from Hadi Maktabi was the epitome of professionalism and joy. Hadi is an expert curator, purveyor, historian and story teller. His passion, knowledge, professionalism and expertise are evident every step of the way. With a wide range of choices and prices, prompt service, and fast sipping, we had our carpets in Sydney in a matter of days. The ultimate flying carpet experience! Zeina Tebbutt, Sidney, Australia 🇦🇺


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