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Mint Beshir Turkmen

Mint Beshir Turkmen

  • Number 957

  • Material Wool

  • Style All Over

  • Origin Turkmen

  • Type Central Asian

  • Size 292 x 150

  • Age 1860


Attractive Central Asian rug that miraculously survives in intact and perfect condition. I picked this up from a local house and every time I see it I am startled by its fine weave, rich coloration and above all its long legs--the remarkable kilims it has at either end! This rug is over 150 years old and will offer reliable service for much more, while being quite collectible and beautiful.

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I have been buying and collecting oriental rugs for over 40 years. As a result I have had direct experiences with many dealers and galleries throughout Europe, North America, the Middle East and Asia. The Hadi Maktabi establishment is distinct and unique. It is rare to find a dealer who not only has a discerning taste and excellent choice of rugs. But with Hadi, the experience is one of an erudite oriental rug scholar paired with years of family experiences and traditions dealing in rugs, carpets and textiles. The available choices, diversity and quality of his stock is awesome. It is always a pleasure. Highly recommended and satisfying. As a collector he has become not only a partner of choice, knowledge and information but also a valued friend. Robert Bell, CEO Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust, U.K. 🇬🇧



The idea of purchasing valuable rugs and other artwork online from an overseas seller is daunting for several reasons, not least of which is the fact that, not being able to examine and feel the rug for yourself, you are never entirely certain that the origin, age or condition of the rug corresponds with the dealer’s description. For me, I could never take this step unless I had absolute trust in the integrity of the dealer, and my recent experience with Hadi confirms that my faith in him was well placed. Every detail of the antique rug expertly explained by Hadi was accurate and when I finally received the actual rug, it turned out to be even more stunning than his photos depicted. F. Alsagoff, Singapore


I first met Dr. Maktabi as a lecturer on carpet history and was captivated by his passion for the subject. Only later I knew him as a dealer, though even in our financial transactions, Hadi has been a gentle guide and friend. He has understood my taste and interests and made wonderful suggestions, but never in a pushy way. That is to say I have enjoyed working with him on several levels and wish to continue our excellent relations and dealings far into the future. A. Harvey Pincis, formerly Dar Al Athar Al Islamiyyah Museum (Kuwait), Latvia 🇱🇻


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