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Terrific Tehran Gol Bolbol

Terrific Tehran Gol Bolbol

  • Number 737

  • Type Workshop

  • Material Wool

  • Style All Over

  • Origin Tehran

  • Size 321 x 206

  • Age 1890


Intriguing and beguiling, this eye catching carpet presents a beautiful twist on the legendary royal Shah Abbas design. It is directional in orientation having axial rather than biaxial symmetry, meaning left and right reflect one another but top and bottom don't. The cream field is dominated by meandering and curving vines executed in a very sweet light blue, from which handsome roses and geraniums in pinks and reds grow. Lovebirds and parrots pop up here and there to add even more zing to the composition. The drawing has incredible complexity and is the work of a remarkably talented master artist. The French style border reflects the Qajar court's obsessions with the arts of the court of Napoleon III in France. L'Empire Des Roses indeed!

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The idea of purchasing valuable rugs and other artwork online from an overseas seller is daunting for several reasons, not least of which is the fact that, not being able to examine and feel the rug for yourself, you are never entirely certain that the origin, age or condition of the rug corresponds with the dealer’s description. For me, I could never take this step unless I had absolute trust in the integrity of the dealer, and my recent experience with Hadi confirms that my faith in him was well placed. Every detail of the antique rug expertly explained by Hadi was accurate and when I finally received the actual rug, it turned out to be even more stunning than his photos depicted. F. Alsagoff, Singapore



I must say this one of the most enriching carpet purchase experiences I ever had. This was not a mere transaction but more an experience about art and history. Dr Maktabi's experience and knowledge in this space is second to none. Highly recommended! R.A., Doha, Qatar


Hadi Maktabi and his staff provide comprehensive and thoughtful services to collectors and textile buyers worldwide. His knowledge of antique oriental rugs and textiles, including many fine offerings from the Levant, is unsurpassed. We have been loyal customers for over five years and have visited his Beirut premises. He has worked with us upon several occasions to select the exact Ottoman and Levantine pieces we wanted for our collection. You can be sure of quality and honesty when dealing with Hadi. Penelope and Timothy Hays, Just In From The East Collection, Florida 🇺🇸


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